Badgers in gardens
As a nation we are very fond of our wildlife and having badgers visit your garden can be very exciting. They are often attracted by bird seed but also if you have a lawn badgers will be keen to eat the grubs which live in it.

If you think you may have a badger sett in your garden please get in touch as we can provide further advice on this and will carry out a visit where necessary.

Supplementary feeding of badgers
Should you want to attract badgers into your garden then you can plant natural food sources for them (which will also benefit birds and insects which are in decline)

    Safe feeding practices

  • Plant elder, blackberry, apple or pear trees – using native varieties is best.
  • A lawn full of worms and grubs is also one of their favourite food stops.
  • If you want to put food out for any visiting badgers keep it to natural feeds such as food grade peanuts (untreated ones) and scatter them.
  • Avoid processed food or food with a high sugar or fat content as it will negatively impact their teeth. Badgers cannot go to the dentist and a badger with no teeth is a badger that can’t eat or defend itself!

We always say to feed with caution – be careful what you invite in!
People become less pleased with the antics of their nocturnal visitors as badgers can cause a lot of damage to lawns especially when other food sources run out. Do get in touch if you need further advice on this issue.