There are lots of ways in which you can help us to help badgers in Cheshire.
Our work involves;
As a member you can attend badger watches during the summer months, you will receive regular newsletters with interesting articles and details of forthcoming events and you can attend the training days which we host throughout the year.
Members can also help with surveying and monitoring badger setts. This is very important to help keep an up-to-date record of all setts – without this we cannot gather evidence to prosecute criminals in court, or information on badger setts that helps to protect them in development. Badger surveys also help us to estimate the population of badgers present and inform the vaccination program.
Members with the time to commit can also volunteer to help with our vaccination program. This involves badger surveys, location and monitoring of humane badger traps and vaccinating badgers.
The cost of annual membership is £15 for single membership or £20 for families / couples.
Once we have received your joining details we will send you a welcome pack and a list of our upcoming events.