Record sightings

Submit a badger sighting

Seen a badger? Please complete the below form to record your sighting:

    Find your six figure grid reference here


    • You can enter your records directly to the Cheshire database using SWIFT by clicking the link below, its quick and easy to use

    Enter record on SWIFT

    Why are sightings important

    Seeing badgers going about their everyday business can be a really rewarding experience, and is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. It can also help us to better understand the distribution of badgers across our region and to protect badgers and their habitat.

    We will log the information you provide on the Cheshire Record website which holds all of the ecological data for Cheshire. This means that your sighting helps to protect badgers from development, as the information can be accessed by the ecologist at the council if a planning application is lodged in the area.

    For more information on the work of Cheshire Record please click the link below.

    More about Record